Why Podcast Show Notes? 4 Compelling Benefits


Our world is a busy place, and people appreciate anything that saves them time and increases productivity. Podcasts fit that bill for millions of listeners worldwide by allowing them to consume knowledge on the go and at their convenience.

Smart marketers have taken advantage of this by producing valuable, in-demand content for this loyal, educated consumer group. If your business creates a podcast, congratulations—you are one of those smart marketers.

But if you aren’t ALSO publishing your show notes, you are not getting the most mileage from your efforts. Here’s why:

  1. Improved SEO: Written content still does the heavy lifting when it comes to search engines. No one can “peek” into your audio file to see all the content, and the title of your podcast doesn’t tell the whole story. Publishing your show notes, however, solves both of these issues. It gives the search engines more critical information to crawl through and it gives a guest a snapshot of everything covered in the podcast. Both of these result in more traffic sent your way.

  2. Edge Out the Competition: As mentioned, your podcast title doesn’t tell the whole story, and there is tons of competition for the listeners’ ears. Concise show notes give a quick synopsis of your podcast the way a movie trailer gets you ready for the main production—and helps the listener weed through and choose their best options.

  3. Sharing is Caring: People love to share helpful content, and you can make this work in your favor by including show notes that are easily shareable and filled with added value—including useful links, quotes, and highlights. This will ultimately mean more clicks back to your podcast and potential new listeners.

  4. Recycle, Repurpose & Reuse: By this point, you can see that squeezing all of the potential out of your podcast means more than just audio. Despite the millions of loyal listeners, not everyone has bought into the info-via-podcast model. For those who prefer to consume their information in other ways, publishing your show notes allows you to still target those audiences. In addition, repurposing your podcast show notes makes content creation a snap.


CCM is Here to Help

In addition to being able to help with your podcast production needs, we can help you maximize your podcast’s success by helping you produce concise, effective show notes to boost your reach and effectiveness. Contact us today!

Michelle WellsComment