3 Social Media Trends to Watch for in 2021


Social media’s “social” aspect took on a completely new meaning in 2020 as worldwide stay-at-home orders due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused a 21% uptick in social media usage in March alone. Since behaviors had to shift (no meeting in large groups or indoor venues etc.), social media activity became a lifeline for many to keep in touch with family, friends, and the world. 

“21% uptick in social media usage in March alone”

Understandably, these massive shifts in our behaviors have created a trickle-down effect of changes in how we do business, research products, consume information, and entertain ourselves. As the pandemic continues and the 3.6 billion social media users have settled into “a new normal” of usage, social media marketers should look out for the following trends in this often unpredictable digital world.

1) Quality over Quantity

During 2020, many brands switched their focus from cranking out post after post to putting out only what was helpful, thoughtful, and useful. This “less is more” approach will likely continue in 2021 as companies place valuable content at the forefront, over sales. 

In addition, since many of today’s consumers are more socially conscious than ever before, brands need to “dig deep” and tune into why they exist and who they want to serve. The keys here are transparency and authenticity. Consumers find it impossible to connect with a brand that they see as insincere—so why would they invest in something they don’t believe in? Socially conscious consumers believe in building a better “normal” and expect the brands they purchase from to participate. 

 2) Snackable Content 

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Snackable content is short, concise, easy-to-digest...

In a world of information overload, how do you slice through the noise to make sure your message gets heard? Enter snackable content. Not familiar with the term? Snackable content is short, concise, easy-to-digest/share on social media, and can be passively consumed. Think about the times we most often consume media—picking up the kids from school, sitting in the doctor’s office, or, Lord help you, waiting for your number to be called at the DMV—basically, anytime we are on the go. Therefore, target the mobile consumer with snackable content that is valuable, visually engaging, and easy to absorb. Great examples of snackable content are memes, quote graphics, infographics, and InstaStories.

3) Authenticity

Sometimes, it seems the only thing certain about the time we live in is the uncertainty. Tumultuous political events continue amid the still-present pandemic, creating financial insecurity and instability. As a result, consumers require more than just a great deal from the brands they do business with. Again, transparency is key here. An authentic and real brand on social media will gain the trust of its audience and become known as a company that cares about people.

Authentic brands gain trust…

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As we continue to navigate these unchartered waters, CCM is here to help—staying on top of new social media trends to help you communicate your message most effectively.

Michelle WellsComment